6 Healthy Habits to Keep You on Track These Holidays

The silly season often involves more alcohol, treats and sweets than we’re used to. While this is something we should embrace and enjoy, it doesn’t mean you have to let all your healthy habits go! Here are six tips to keep you on track over the festive season.

1. Drink plenty of water.

Water – the underrated MVP of a healthy lifestyle! Water is so important for supporting energy levels, maximising performance and brain health, boosting metabolism, flushing out toxins…the list goes on!

Over the holidays, aim to drink at least 2L of water per day to give your body the energy it requires. Drinking enough water is key to feeling your best!

Top tip: at events, for every alcoholic beverage you drink, follow it up with a glass of water. This will rehydrate you, give your liver some love, and minimise the dreaded hangover the next day!

2. Prioritise sleep.

Sleep often suffers over the festive season – after all, there are so many exciting things going on, it’s easy to sacrifice sleep to make the most of it! However, sleep is critical for keeping you healthy and happy. Sleep can improve your mood, exercise performance, metabolism and immune system.

Given this time of year often puts a strain on our immunity (all the events can be tough on your body!), it’s more important than ever to get some sleep!

Even if it means leaving a party half an hour early to catch your zzzzzs, aim for 7-9 hours of good quality sleep every night to keep you fit and healthy these holidays.

3. Keep moving your body!

Don’t forget your fitness! Moving your body and exercising is so important over the silly season. Plus, maintaining some sort of daily movement makes it so much easier to get back on track once all the fun is over.

As we know, exercise is so beneficial for your mood, helping you feel happier and less stressed –  which is super important in the middle of such a busy time. It also supports your heart and brain health, energy levels, and even improves your sleep – which we now know is so important!

Plus, when you maintain a regular exercise routine you’re more likely to make healthier choices in the rest of your life. You know that post-sweat session feeling, where you’re super motivated to make healthy food choices? It’s all linked. Don’t neglect the sweat!

We’re here to help – keep booking into your Symétrie sessions and we’ll keep you on track!

© Lyndon Marceau / marceauphotography

4. Whole foods first.

Don’t worry, you don’t have to forego the pavlova or Christmas pudding! Just be sure to prioritise nutrient-dense whole foods first. Fill most of your plate with salads, vegetables, lean proteins and healthy fats to help you feel fantastic. And then, feel free to indulge on some sweets afterwards!

By first focusing on the nutritious options, you’ve balanced your blood sugar levels and you’re feeling satiated by the time you get to the treats! This means you’re more able to control your portion sizes when you get to the sweet stuff. It’s a win-win.

5. Take some time for yourself.

What better time to give yourself some self-love and take a moment to relax? If you’ve got some time off over the festive season, why not spend just some of that time prioritising yourself and looking after your body?

It doesn’t have to be complicated or time consuming – go for a walk by the beach, watch one of your favourite movies, or even just allow yourself to enjoy a sleep in occasionally! Incorporating some recovery into your routine is another great idea, things like infrared saunas or hot and cold therapy are so effective for reducing inflammation, healing your body after a strenuous year, and supporting both your physical and mental health!

Interested? Check out our newly opened Recoverie centre, your one-stop destination for wellness and recovery using the latest techniques backed by science and research. We’ve even got a Christmas special available for exactly this purpose – check it out here!

6. One slip up doesn’t mean you should throw in the towel!

It can be so tempting, once you’ve devoured half a Christmas pudding, to simply give up on your healthy habits for the day, and decide to “start again tomorrow”.

Instead of adopting this mentality, if you do go overboard at one event or meal over the holidays, that’s okay! Just accept it, forgive yourself, and don’t feel the need to punish your body by skipping meals or depriving yourself of your favourite treats later on.

Look at each meal over the holidays as an opportunity to make healthy choices that help you feel amazing. If you slip up once, that’s okay! It doesn’t mean you have to give up on the rest of the day! Take a deep breath every time you sit down to eat, and then make the choices that will leave you feeling your best.

And if it’s all a bit too much, and you just want to sit back, relax and enjoy the festivities? We’ve got you! We’ll bring the heat in our 2021 sessions, and have you back on track in no time!

In need of some extra motivation? Check out our holiday schedule below and get ready to sweat it all out after the holidays! Book in now to start 2021 strong at Symétrie!


4 ways to make 2021 your healthiest year yet